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 Have a wonderful new year!!!

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Patrick O'Leary
9 posters

Leo Goat
Age : 32
Location : Brazil!
Image Software : Aseprite
Registration date : 2007-03-31

Have a wonderful new year!!! Empty
PostSubject: Have a wonderful new year!!!   Have a wonderful new year!!! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2008 6:54 am

Well,we came to that time of year where we all get togheter and share our personal and non-personal of the year,and that's what this thread was created for.But first,there's something I want to say to all my fellow mibbers.It's something I've been really wanting to say that for you guys for a long time,but I hadn't find the words to do such.I think I hadn't found the said words yet,but this is the right time to say it,so...

I was going to say it in Wade's Xmas thread,but I decided to put it here already.so:

It's been a year and a few months since I joined this board,went for the Help section and first asked help as a total noob.The good days Razz ...Now I've even been called a "new god" from some guys around and I think that's just very cool.But the point is:no matter how many friends I've made here,no matter how many cool names I've been called,sometimes I still feel that same magic sensation of one year and a few months ago of admiration,and at the same time,of fear,of when I opened the galleries of great mibbers and looked,not only at their micros,but also at the great persons that those guys were as individuals.At those times,I feared that you guys would not accept me,because near guys like Iceman,Strider and many others,I felt really insignificant comparised to then.But I was proven wrong,and you guys gave me a chance to prove my valor,like you also did to many other new members from those and from this time.Today,I fear for something different:I fear that someday destiny may separate us,and that we may no longer be togheter as this Super team that we managed to become.
But,when I stop and pay attention to all these boys,girls,men and women that compose this great comunity,I get relieved,because I'm sure of one thing: more than friends,partners,brothers,and eventually lovers,we're a big,united family.A family remain strong,no matter the distance.Of course we had our problems and discussions,but we always managed to get out of then the best way possible,as a real family would do.
I also want to thanks you guys for the great persons you are individually.People from every countries,from every cultures,each one with a unique personality,and a great imagination to create such fantastic worlds,universes and stories that made us laugh and cry for so long.

You are the real "Macro heroes" of this thread,and I hope we can remain togheter for as much as we can to keep experiencing such great (and sometimes weird) situations we always manage to get in and out.As ZP Theart once said:"Through the fire and the flames we carry on".

Because this is our second home... This is MIB!

Okay,with that said,let's get to businness here.I hope you hadn't fall asleep with the size of the message... Embarassed Razz Twisted Evil

2008 was quite a year,not only for the thread,but also for the world.Between economical crysis,olympic games,awesome movies,board chat problems,great new members coming in and great old members coming back,we have a lot of great stories to tell to our grandsons in a near future.

So,if you have any experience you may want to share,anything or anyone to thank just as I,Wade and Cheetah did,or any wishes to do for the upcoming year,this is the right place.


Have a wonderful New Year!

Have a wonderful new year!!! DG8K4HSHave a wonderful new year!!! 4xp04zDHave a wonderful new year!!! GKEgDYEHave a wonderful new year!!! Nxa02gqHave a wonderful new year!!! EsMB5V3Have a wonderful new year!!! RIPRP4CHave a wonderful new year!!! Nesd9yYHave a wonderful new year!!! N6QKswuHave a wonderful new year!!! 47431421_2170244729653250_1722849813516517376_n.png?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2

My stuff is free for use, credit would be nice, just don't claim them as your own.
My Temp
[03:24:06] * Ghost_Spider turns to lil pengy and dances pengy dance.
[03:25:00] Razor Infinity : this is a real kodak moment.
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Retired Greatness
Retired Greatness

Scorpio Pig
Age : 40
Location : RJ - Brasil
Image Software : MS Paint
Registration date : 2006-11-17

Have a wonderful new year!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have a wonderful new year!!!   Have a wonderful new year!!! Icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2008 5:31 pm

Beautiful words meu chapa. I can't say much about that, I wasn't a good mibber this year.

About you, well, I wouldn't say "New God", but what about "New Carnage"?! The kiddo was closer to that title than you are now before he quit. But Bill is very proud, you are stepping up fast, really fast. Maybe one day you'll hold our flag when I'm gone too.

About MIB, despite all the satellites out there, it's the core, it's THE place. No other board will be more popular or friendly, we have seen some "micro-heavens" dying and getting stale and then abandoned or flamed (micro-hells?). You wouldn't be here if MIB was just another place. It was flamed more than once (shame on me, I admit), hacked and now it's stronger than ever. I wonder if our kids will be mibbers too.

About the members, I guess this year was one of the most important for the community, we've seen LOTS of new young microers registering and posting, I was amazed to see the Universe section sometimes more active than the galleries one. And believe it, no flamming, if I missed some please tell me, I love gossip! Small fights, yeah, they always happen, I got into a few as well, Santi says I'm a "gun powder barrel" ready to blow, hahaha, maybe that's true. MAYBE! YOU GOT THAT OLD MAN! MAYBE!! Ahem...

About me, I'm a rotting mummy here, MIB was the first place I joined back in mid 2004. And I felt the same way you feel now GS, the exactly same feeling. I miss old legends like Felis, Ced and Sunder, this one might be the only one who knows the real definition of "micro-heaven". I'll soon have 6 years as microers, and 5 as mibber, I was promoted and demoted a couple of times, and in such a "long" period I'm glad I made more true friends than enemies, fortunately, I managed to repair some of these old hatreds, but sadly, some still stand, hopefully these feelings will be past with this year.

That's all, bleh...

And what's wrong with you lad?! White letters in a light bg? Geez, I'll hold myself this time in order not to curse your name. What a Face
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Patrick O'Leary

Patrick O'Leary

Taurus Rooster
Age : 31
Location : Meh, you know, around.
Registration date : 2007-03-25

Have a wonderful new year!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have a wonderful new year!!!   Have a wonderful new year!!! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2008 10:22 pm

Great words, guys...
This seems like the South American thread! xD

Well, I'd like to say that in the time I have spent here (joined 6 days before GS, but I still suck xP), I left twice or three times, for people that doesn't worth mentioning, but I'm having a great time here.
I got good friends (like the guys up there, JoRoy, JDD, or the ladies, Rayne and Kate, and many more), and I become the guy that annoyed some other people, I might say not to my likeness (Spaz, Atlas, Sever, Santi maybe, and some more), but more than anything I got good stuff here.
Here, I got masters, "students", micro-rivalries in the RAGs. That led me to knowledge. Because of that, I want to thank you all. The ones who always supported me, and the ones who never did, that forced me to gain their respect.
If it wasn't for you, this wouldn't have happened.

Have a wonderful new year!!! John_c10-a year and 9 months after>Have a wonderful new year!!! BoosterGold

Thank you, and have a nice New Year.
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Retired Greatness
Retired Greatness

Aquarius Rooster
Age : 31
Location : Virginia
Registration date : 2007-10-03

Have a wonderful new year!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have a wonderful new year!!!   Have a wonderful new year!!! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2008 7:21 pm

Dark Riku wrote:
This seems like the South American thread! xD
Not anymore Derek. Smile

Beautiful words everyone.
Well you all know me as Mach3Gillette, or Connor.
So, I recently got a pm from keeban93, and, well, it really made my day. It read as follows...
keeban93 wrote:
hey mach
i just wanted to say that you have become a awsome micro maker. i mean the quality of your flash micro is outstanding and i hope that soom day soon i will be able to make micros as good as you can.
Luckily this year I managed to annoy all the elite micro makers of the board, TXF, Alex, Atlas, and Bill (Strider). Although the big mistake was annoying Bill because he returns the favor two-fold Laughing , as people who have recently visited my gallery have seen. But, we started chatting on msn, and he really helped me with my Superman micro aka the micro with the turtle in his pants.
Have a wonderful new year!!! Jla_aq10 ----> Have a wonderful new year!!! Jla_aq11
Yeah, he's on the right for the people who don't know who Superman is.

Anyway, let's wrap this up, this year I made my Homer Simpson micros, my favorite achievement, and got a thumbs up from Strider.
So, it's been a good year.

cheers Thank you all, and have a great year. cheers
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Aries Goat
Age : 33
Location : Germany
Registration date : 2007-01-31

Have a wonderful new year!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have a wonderful new year!!!   Have a wonderful new year!!! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2008 7:56 pm

im using this as a sort of christmas letter new year archivment .bla blabla

im nearly two years now at the second instalment of MIB
and it was the first that lead me to micros
i broke the 3000th post this year
and i managed to keep under the top 15 of posters the whole year(well, every time i chekced)
and that without beeing a spammer (atleast i think so)

i got a lot of kind messenges from people and think im a person that
offical can be called HELPER
i migt be not as good as our gods but i try my best to give my interpretation and opinions

,my archivements
I opend gallery number 4( atlesat i think so^^) this year and finaly made my "own" style
i get away from the temp and make more and more from scratch but the most of it ist still puzzle work but my diffrence is that one small piece is still out of ten others.

i made many universes this year
mostyl remarkable may be Justice Fighters and the revamp of Course of the rebelic which i will bring up again.

my real life

the year 2008 was a real hard year for me as some of you may know
me and my fiance finaly decided to got children last year and this year my daughter sue was born sadly she died after 3 days because she was a preterm birth
i had a name change in honor of my brother who died early this year with the age of 17.
im now offical named barka hendrik laufer.

but we all know that bad times bring back the family
i got back in contact with my parents (actual my adoptive parents so it isnt my real brother) and its great to know they still love you.

than i finaly got a advancment in job but i mhopefully will quit in mid 2009
you will ask why thats another happy announcement im about to finish my a-levels
when i was in school i made the lowest rank of graduation called hauptschule i was good but its the lowest level. and i learned alot the last years and went to evening school the last half year and well i will be finished in april.

yeah i hope to have a great new year it will be a new start for me but i know MIB will be at my side for every time i sit in class and are bored or sit at my office pretend to work..


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Libra Pig
Age : 28
Location : College.
Image Software : MS Paint XP
Registration date : 2007-07-03

Have a wonderful new year!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have a wonderful new year!!!   Have a wonderful new year!!! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2008 8:49 pm

Actually today is my 2 year Microversary!!!

im a hell of a lot better thanks to you folks...

happy new year
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Aries Pig
Age : 29
Location : The United States of America
Image Software : Microsoft Paint
Registration date : 2008-02-14

Have a wonderful new year!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have a wonderful new year!!!   Have a wonderful new year!!! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2008 10:19 pm

I feel I got better in Micros this year. I have not even been on this board for a year yet but I already have over 4000 posts.

I need to thank BurningBird for the big help he has been to me in helping me get better at micros.

Well thats about it.

Have a great NEW YEAR!
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Escape The Fate

Escape The Fate

Virgo Goat
Age : 32
Location : Grand Rapids Michigan
Registration date : 2007-02-19

Have a wonderful new year!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have a wonderful new year!!!   Have a wonderful new year!!! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2008 10:29 pm

I dont have much to say. I just want to thank everyone on this board for being a great Family. I have gone throught some messed up times with girls(well one girl), but it always helped knowing that the friends on this board will always be here for me. Most people are talking about themself getting better. I for one think that I stayed the same. Most of my stuff is still just okay. I hope in 2009 to get better at that. Thank you everyone, and happy new years.
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Libra Rooster
Age : 54
Location : montréal québec
Registration date : 2006-11-06

Have a wonderful new year!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have a wonderful new year!!!   Have a wonderful new year!!! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2008 11:40 pm


real life
... Dead, Mariage, sickness, new friends ...

Internet life

lot of porn, a couple of micro, a new website ( shamless plug http://www.freewebs.com/microheroes/index.htm ) demote, promote, re promote.

But you know what i remember the most ? a lot of our mod are only half-time here but the site is still holding. I think we finally found harmony in the micro universe

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Have a wonderful new year!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have a wonderful new year!!!   Have a wonderful new year!!! Icon_minitime

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Have a wonderful new year!!!
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